Yes that's right. You are going to need to take care of your surrounding carpet because I learned the hardway about the wear and tear these amazing wood burner cause.

What really inspired me to start this blog is in fact the subject of this firt post. My aga is a great piece of kit but its not just knowing how to use it but also knowing how to adjust your ways so that it doesn't cause associated problems. So this fisrt post is warning you about damaging your carpet.

Basicly we bought our wood stove as we done our large country kitchen dinning room. So needless to say our flooring is new, and yes its a carpet. I know that sounds bad but it is what we wanted so be it.

On using our aga, you don't realise show much you attend to it in a less than immaculate fashion. Think about it you bring your wood to it, in my case the wood is stored outside. Sure I can take my shoes off etc etc, but i know that no that I am seeing a worn dirted area at the front. So please have a mat in front or come up with a system so that when you tend to it you are clean.
The other is of course the hot ashes, again GET A MAT in front, I have spilled a couple of bits and it marks, nothing you can do about it.
Cleaning the damn thing. I love my copoker to bits but yes cleaning it so that it operates efficiently is a challenge to keep both you and youur suyrrounding area untrouble. What I suggest is dust sheeting that follows your path to where you will walk to and from. Any thing to do do with burning is black, and so once again we have splodges here and there from dirty cloths, water etc. 

It may all sound opbviouse to you but all this is great advice. As for my carpet well drury lane of nottingham helped me out with cleaning advice but really it is going to be a case of getting a new one.

7/16/2014 11:44:19 pm

I really understand the situation now and no need to remove the carpet since i dont have one :)


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